The Law Office of Kim Savage is available to provide legal assistance to cities and counties after determining that the work does not conflict with representation of other clients or compromise other firm matters.

Assistance to cities and counties includes:

  • Reviewing and revising municipal and county land use and zoning regulations to comply with civil rights laws
  • Advising on affordable and specialized housing developments and programs
  • Evaluating funded housing program operations for fair housing compliance
  • Drafting state mandated reasonable accommodation ordinances
  • Addressing compliance with SB 2 and other state pre-emption statutes
  • Analyzing housing programs and policies for civil rights compliance
  • Advising on Housing Elements
  • Providing customized educational materials and training to staff, elected officials and board and commission members
  • Mediating land use and zoning controversies

We Assist Local Governments Seeking to End Discrimination and to Further Housing Opportunities